Meet West Coast Railroaders Group's Management Team

Ken Marty
As president and founder of West Coast Railroaders Group, Ken is responsible for the day to day operations of WCRG. From rule books and organizational policies, to meeting and planning with WCRG's host railroads, Ken enjoys all aspects of his responsibilities with WCRG. Ken is a career railroader with over 30 years of experience in railroad operations, working for short lines, regional's and class one railroads. Ken's experience and passion for the rail industry make him a perfect fit as president for WCRG. Ken currently holds CFR Part 240 certification in addition to his qualifications with West Coast Railroaders Group.
Tyler Marty
Manager of Operating Practices, Southern Region
Growing up in a railroad family and being exposed to railroad operations at a young age, Tyler's passion for railroading is evident in every aspect of his life. Tyler has excelled as a new generation of railroaders that reflect a changing industry, while reflecting on railroading's past with WCRG'S vintage equipment operations, and the challenges that come with those operations. Tyler especially enjoys working with our host railroads and growing WCRG'S operations with new host railroads. Tyler currently holds CFR Part 242 certification in addition to his qualifications with West Coast Railroaders Group.

Matt Parker
Manager of Operating Practices, Northern Region
With over 21 years of experience as a career railroader with one of America's largest class one railroads, Matt knows railroading. Whether climbing on a track car, or climbing on a locomotive, Matt practices "Safety By The Mile" every day. Matt understands WCRG's unique needs in operating vintage track cars in a modern railroad operating environment. Matt enjoys working with our host railroad partners on all aspects of WCRG's operations. Matt currently holds CFR Part 240 and 242 certification in addition to his qualifications with West Coast Railroaders Group.